Factors to Consider When Selecting the Proper Chemistry for Glass Interleaving Paper

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If interleaving powder doesn’t work for your application, there’s another alternative. Our engineered and technically sound glass interleaving paper preserves and protects designer glass plates, windows, computer screens, acid etched glass, furniture glass, automotive windows and any other glass applications.

Many glass manufacturers and fabricators often turn to glass interleaving paper when the glass surface they’re working with is not perfectly flat, or when specific environments cause dust and beads from interleaving powder to be problematic.

However, the range of papers available is as varied as the level of knowledge regarding their use. With this in mind, we will discuss the factors that allow a paper to effectively interleave glass:

However, the range of papers available is as varied as the level of knowledge regarding their use. With this in mind, we will discuss the factors that allow a paper to effectively interleave glass:

  • Uncontrollable and controllable factors in glass interleaving
    • Moisture
    • pH
    • Resin
    • Ambient heat
  • Added chemicals like silicone-based defoamer agents

Download our free white paper to learn more about the factors to consider when selecting glass interleaving paper for your application!